Team Longenecker and Iron Valley Real Estate were proud to be a part of building Southwest Playground at Optimist Park in Lebanon City, PA this past weekend. Over 150 members of the community came together to build the playground in just 6 hours Saturday September 16th.
The morning started with the surrounding field around the playground site filled with vibrant and shiny blue and red poles, buckets of bolts and screws and random playground pieces. As the community started to arrive for the day we were served a pancake breakfast by the Lebanon Kiwanis Club and had a quick morning warm-up as everyone excitedly awaited getting started. Team Leaders waited patiently to lead their team in completing their duties of the day. Volunteers helped to put together all of the pieces of the playground, mix cement to put the pieces in place, and moved two mountains of mulch onto the playground site. Teamwork was abound as people jumped in helping anywhere they could. We were lucky to have two local fire companies join us in working on the playground projects and a local DJ pumping out tunes all throughout the day to keep spirits high!
The playground project was headed by the City of Lebanon in partnership with Kaboom! a national non-profit dedicated to ensuring that all kids get a childhood filled with the balance and active play needed to thrive. The new playground replaced a wooden playground built in the early 90’s which had been closed due to being at the end of its life.
It was such an awesome event to be a part of and to see the community come together. It was a hot sunny day for mid-September, and the day was filled with lots of hard work! I hope the playground has many great years ahead of it and is a part of many children’s memories. Can’t wait to see the kids out enjoying everyone’s hard labor!
For more information on Kaboom! visit their site:
To see Team Longenecker’s pictures from the build check us out on Instagram or on twitter
To see pictures and videos from the day of the build visit the Lebanon Daily News.