Happy Spring!
Let’s take the focus off the snow in our forecast here in Central PA and the cold temperatures outside and dream about Spring a little. Hopefully some warmer weather is right around the corner and we can break the winter blues and get outside. While we wait for the change in temperature, it is a good time to think about spring time tasks that need to be done around the house. I have put together a list of items that might be a good addition to your to-do list.
#1 – Examine Roof Shingles
Check your roof to see if any shingles were lost or damaged during the winter months. Any shingles that are cracked, buckled or loose should be replaced before the heat of the summer hits the roof.
#2 – Check the Gutters
The spring time can bring a lot of rain with it. Make sure to check for any leaky or loose gutters which can lead to improper drainage. You will also want to make sure downspouts are draining away from the foundation.
#3 – Clean and Repair Outdoor Decks
Cleaning your deck of leaves and debris especially between deck boards, prevents staining, and reduces the chance of rot. Check for loose boards and reset protruding nails to keep your deck safe for the summer season.
#4 – Clean the AC Condenser
Remove dust and debris that have accumulated on the AC condenser so that the AC works efficiently or have an HVAC specialist perform a service on the unit.
#5 – Fill in low spots
Low areas in the ground near the foundation should be filled with compacted soil. Like mentioned before spring rains can bring a lot of damage with them. Low areas around your foundation can cause water to pool and can cause flooding or damage to your foundation.
#6 – Repair Concrete
Ice can cause serious damage to your walkways around your home. Inspect any concrete for cracks and then fill them with caulk or concrete crack filler.
#7 – Give Drapes and Curtains New Life
Take drapes or curtains down and run through an air-fluff cycle in the dryer along with a wet towel for about 15 minutes. The wet towel will help to draw off the dust. When you pull them out of the dryer hang them immediately to avoid wrinkles.
#8 – Clean Fan Blades to prepare for Warmer Weather
We all know that fan blades are one of the easiest places for dust to collect. Looking for an easy way to collect the excess dirt and dust? Cover the blades with a coat of furniture polish then wipe off. The furniture polish will help to keep the dust contained.
#9 – Clean Comforters, Blankets & Pillows
Spring is a great time to freshen up the comforting layers we keep in our homes all winter long. Wash as many items as possible. Items to big or not in need of cleaning at least air them out by hanging outside for a few hours can be helpful.
#10 – Clean Patio Furniture
Before the outdoor season is upon us take some time to make sure your outdoor furniture is clean. Wipe down chairs and tables with a mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water. Then hose off the cleaning solution with a garden hose and let air dry before adding cushions and setting up your patio.